Secrets Manager Secrets Rotation Policy
Secrets Manager is a service provided by AWS that helps to secure and manage sensitive information such as database credentials, API keys, and passwords. To ensure the continuous security of these secrets, it is important to enable automatic rotation. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data and helps meet compliance requirements, including those outlined in the NIST 800-53 Revision 5 standard.
Troubleshooting Steps
If you encounter any issues while enabling automatic rotation for Secrets Manager secrets, follow these troubleshooting steps:
- 1.
Check IAM permissions: Ensure that the IAM role or user trying to enable secret rotation has the necessary permissions to access Secrets Manager and perform rotation operations. Specifically, the user or role should have the
- 2.
Confirm rotation Lambda function: Ensure that the rotation Lambda function associated with the secret is correctly configured and deployed. Validate that the function has the necessary permissions to access and modify the secret.
- 3.
Verify secret tags and metadata: Check if there are any custom tags or metadata associated with the secret. Sometimes, these additional configurations can interfere with the rotation process. Remove any unnecessary tags or metadata that might cause conflicts.
- 4.
Review Lambda function logs: If the rotation process fails, review the logs generated by the rotation Lambda function. These logs can provide insights into the specific failure points and help troubleshoot the issue more effectively.
Necessary Codes
To enable automatic rotation for Secrets Manager secrets, you need to create and configure a rotation Lambda function. Here's an example Python code snippet that you can use as a starting point:
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
client = boto3.client('secretsmanager')
# Retrieve the secret that needs to be rotated
secret_name = event['SecretId']
response = client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_name)
# Perform the necessary rotation logic
# ...
# Update the secret with the rotated value
client.update_secret(SecretId=secret_name, SecretString=rotated_secret_value)
In this code, you would need to replace the rotation logic placeholder with your specific requirements. Additionally, make sure to configure the appropriate IAM permissions for the Lambda function to access Secrets Manager and update the secret.
Step-by-Step Guide for Remediation
To enable automatic rotation for Secrets Manager secrets and comply with NIST 800-53 Revision 5, follow these steps:
- 1.
Create or select a rotation Lambda function: Create a new Lambda function or choose an existing one to handle the secret rotation process. Ensure that the function has the necessary permissions to interact with Secrets Manager and update the secret value.
- 2.
Configure the rotation Lambda function: Implement the rotation logic inside the Lambda function. This may involve making API calls to retrieve and update secret values or interacting with external systems to generate new credentials.
- 3.
Create a new secret or select an existing one: If you have an existing secret, ensure that it follows the necessary format and structure to work with automatic rotation. Otherwise, create a new secret with the required values.
- 4.
Enable automatic rotation: Using either the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs, enable automatic rotation for the selected secret. Specify the rotation Lambda function you created or selected in step 1.
- 5.
Configure rotation frequency: Define the rotation frequency based on your security and compliance needs. You can choose intervals like every 30 days or 90 days, depending on your organization's policies.
- 6.
Validate the rotation process: Monitor the rotation process and ensure that it occurs as scheduled. Check the rotation Lambda function logs and Secrets Manager events to confirm successful rotations.
- 7.
Troubleshoot any issues: Follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned earlier if you encounter any problems with secret rotation. Review logs, IAM permissions, and any custom configurations that could be affecting the rotation process.
- 8.
Perform periodic audits: Regularly review and audit the rotation process to ensure compliance with NIST 800-53 Revision 5 and other relevant security standards. Make any necessary adjustments or updates to adhere to best practices.
By following these steps, you can enable automatic rotation for Secrets Manager secrets and meet the requirements outlined in the NIST 800-53 Revision 5 standard, enhancing the overall security of your organization's sensitive information.