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Database Logging Rule

This rule states that database logging should be enabled to ensure system and information integrity.

RuleDatabase logging should be enabled
FrameworkNIST 800-53 Revision 5

Rule Description:

Database logging should be enabled for NIST 800-53 Revision 5 compliance. This rule ensures that database activities and events are logged to effectively detect and analyze any irregularities, security incidents, or policy violations that may occur within the database system. Enabling database logging helps to maintain data integrity, identify potential security breaches, and support forensic investigations.

Troubleshooting Steps:

If database logging is not enabled or functioning correctly, follow these troubleshooting steps to address the issue:

  1. 1.

    Verify logging configuration: Check the database logging configuration to ensure that it is correctly set up and enabled. Review the documentation or consult the database vendor's guidelines to determine the appropriate steps for enabling logging.

  2. 2.

    Check log file location: Identify the location where the database logs are stored. Ensure that the specified directory or file system has sufficient space and proper access permissions for writing logs.

  3. 3.

    Validate log rotation settings: If log rotation is enabled, verify that the rotation settings are configured correctly to avoid filling up the disk space with unnecessary logs. Consider adjusting the rotation frequency and retention period based on your organization's requirements.

  4. 4.

    Check log volume: Monitor the log volume to ensure it does not exceed the allocated disk space. Large log files can impact database performance and lead to storage issues.

  5. 5.

    Investigate error messages: If any error messages related to logging are encountered, investigate and troubleshoot them accordingly. These messages may provide insights into the specific issue preventing proper logging.

  6. 6.

    Test logging functionality: Perform test transactions or actions within the database and confirm that the logs capture the expected activities. This will validate the correct functioning of database logging.

  7. 7.

    Review relevant documentation: Refer to the database documentation or consult with the database vendor's support team for specific troubleshooting guidance in case of persistent logging issues.

Code Implementation:

The method for enabling database logging may vary depending on the database system being used. Here are example code snippets using SQL, for enabling database logging in some of the popular databases:


To enable database logging in MySQL, add the following line to the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini):


Make sure to replace "/path/to/logfile.log" with the desired path and filename for the log file.


Enable database logging in Oracle using the following SQL command:

ALTER SYSTEM SET audit_trail=db, extended SCOPE=SPFILE;

After executing this command, restart the Oracle database for the changes to take effect.

Microsoft SQL Server:

In Microsoft SQL Server, enable database logging using the following T-SQL script:

USE master;
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
EXEC sp_configure 'default trace enabled', 1;

After executing these commands, restart the SQL Server service for the changes to be applied.

Remediation Steps:

Follow the below steps to remediate the database logging non-compliance issue:

  1. 1.

    Identify the database management system (DBMS) being used in your environment (e.g., MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server).

  2. 2.

    Refer to the appropriate documentation or vendor guidelines to understand the recommended method for enabling database logging in that specific DBMS.

  3. 3.

    Update the database configuration file or execute the necessary commands as mentioned in the documentation to enable database logging.

  4. 4.

    Specify the log file location and ensure it is a suitable and secure location with sufficient disk space.

  5. 5.

    Validate the logging functionality by performing database transactions and confirming that the logs capture the expected activities.

  6. 6.

    Regularly monitor the log volume and ensure logs are properly rotated and retained based on the organization's requirements.

  7. 7.

    Periodically review the database logs for any anomalies, security-related events, or policy violations.

  8. 8.

    Consider integrating a centralized log management system or a security information and event management (SIEM) solution to simplify log analysis and enhance security monitoring capabilities.

  9. 9.

    Ensure that the procedures and guidelines for managing and securing the database logs are documented, communicated to relevant personnel, and followed consistently.

By following these steps, you can successfully enable and maintain database logging for NIST 800-53 Revision 5 compliance.

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