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University of Twente Maps Decision-Making Process for Ransomware Victims

University of Twente Maps Decision-Making Process for Ransomware Victims

Table of Contents

Incident Details

Researchers from the University of Twente conducted a study on the decision-making process of individuals who were compelled to make ransom payments in the aftermath of ransomware attacks. By examining 481 instances of ransomware attacks with information sourced from the Dutch police and a Dutch incident response organization, the researchers discovered that entities equipped with retrievable backups frequently circumvented the need to make ransom payments. Employing a two-stage model, the researchers scrutinized the decision-making procedures of victims to ascertain the appropriate ransom sum. The findings of this research offer significant understanding into the determinants influencing ransom transactions.


How Did the Breach Happen?

Ransomware attacks were used to target organizations, resulting in a breach.

What Data has been Compromised?

The information given did not specify the data that was impacted by the ransomware attacks.

Why Did the company's Security Measures Fail?

Details about the specific security measures or any potential failures of the company are not disclosed in the provided information.

What Immediate Impact Did the Breach Have on the company?

The information did not mention the direct consequences of the breach on the company.

How could this have been prevented?

According to the findings of the research, the implementation of restorable backups and emphasis on aspects such as data theft, the importance of insurance, and the promotion of recoverable backups can help avoid or lessen the consequences of ransomware assaults.

What have we learned from this data breach?

Valuable lessons learned from this security incident are the significance of maintaining retrievable backups, the consequences of data theft, and the involvement of insurance in dictating the ransom sum negotiated with those affected.

Summary of Coverage

A research project at the University of Twente investigated how ransomware victims make decisions. The findings indicated that companies that had access to backups were less inclined to give in to ransom demands. The study sheds light on the various elements that impact ransom payments and underscores the significance of having recoverable backups in place, as well as dealing with data theft.

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