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Benchmark: EBS Checks for AWS Audit Manager Control Tower Guardrails

Explore how EBS checks are integrated into Control Tower guardrails for monitoring compliance status of EBS volumes in AWS environment.

Key Components of AWS Audit Manager Control Tower Guardrails EBS checks

What is EBS checks?

The benchmark discussed in this context focuses on the integration of Elastic Block Store (EBS) checks for AWS Audit Manager Control Tower Guardrails. AWS Audit Manager simplifies the auditing process by ensuring compliance of AWS resources with industry standards. Control Tower, on the other hand, streamlines the setup and governance of secure multi-account AWS environments, implementing predefined rules called guardrails to enforce compliance and security.

Understanding EBS and its Integration

Elastic Block Store (EBS) is a scalable block storage service by AWS allowing users to attach persistent storage volumes to their EC2 instances. This integration enables organizations to continuously monitor and assess the compliance status of EBS volumes within their AWS environment automatically.

Audit Process and Compliance Evaluation

When conducting EBS checks, Audit Manager thoroughly assesses various aspects of EBS volumes to ensure adherence to security and operational best practices. It evaluates encryption status, backup procedures, access permissions, and proper management of volume snapshots.

Benefits of Integration

By combining EBS checks with Control Tower guardrails, organizations can automate compliance monitoring of EBS volumes, eliminating the need for manual audits and providing real-time visibility on compliance status. Detailed reports generated by Audit Manager facilitate tracking compliance trends and prompt actions to rectify any identified issues.

Enhancing Security and Efficiency

Integration of EBS checks with Control Tower guardrails significantly improves security and operational efficiency by enforcing security policies automatically. This reduces the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access to EBS volumes, consequently maintaining a secure and reliable AWS environment.


The benchmark concerning EBS checks for AWS Audit Manager Control Tower Guardrails offers organizations a comprehensive and automated compliance monitoring solution for their EBS volumes. By leveraging the automation capabilities of Audit Manager and centralized governance of Control Tower, this integration enhances compliance, security, and operational efficiency within the AWS environment.

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