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Identification and Authentication Benchmark

Explore the NIST 800-53 Rev 4 IA benchmark for secure user identity and access management.

Key Components of NIST 800-53 Revision 4 Identification and Authentication (IA)

What is Identification and Authentication (IA)?

The benchmark for Identification and Authentication (IA) is based on guidelines from the NIST 800-53 Revision 4 publication. It sets controls to manage user identities and system access securely.

Objective and Policies

The main goal is to establish procedures for authenticating user identities. The benchmark defines criteria for choosing authentication methods, including multi-factor authentication, to enhance system security.

User Account Management

It specifies requirements for managing user accounts, creation, deletion, activation, and deactivation processes, ensuring accounts are only for authorized individuals.

Secure Credentials and Monitoring

Emphasizes secure storage and transmission of passwords, encryption methods, and password complexity to avoid unauthorized access. Continuous monitoring and auditing of user access are vital.

Non-Human Entity Authentication

It highlights secure authentication mechanisms for non-human entities, like applications and devices, ensuring only trusted entities access systems.

Training and Awareness

It outlines the importance of user training on secure authentication practices, strong passwords, recognizing phishing attempts, and risks related to unauthorized access.

Benefits and Compliance

Compliance enhances security, reduces unauthorized access risks, and protects sensitive information. It provides a foundation for securing systems and user identities.


The Identification and Authentication benchmark offers a robust framework for implementing secure authentication processes and protecting user identities and system security.

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