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Top 15 Azure Databricks Security Best Practices

Big data has highly revolutionized modern business, propelling growth and informing critical decisions. Yet, as businesses invest heavily in this transformative technology, a critical question arises:

Are we securing our data space as diligently as we build it?

Stats say that almost every tech leaders prioritize business transformation through big data. But with great power comes great responsibility. Data, the lifeblood of modern business, can get exploited in the wrong hands. Azure Databricks, a popular collaborative analytics platform, promises agility and insight, but ignoring its security best practices can expose your crucial assets—customer data, financial secrets, and sensitive intellectual property.

But fear not! This blog provides you with the top 15 Azure Databricks security best practices that make you leverage data’s power with confidence. 

Let’s get started!

What exactly is Azure Databricks?

Azure Databricks is like your go-to cloud-based platform that merges the awesome capabilities of Apache Spark with the simplicity of managed services right on Microsoft Azure. 

It’s the place where you can:

  • Dive into big data analytics and AI tasks on a grand scale, thanks to Spark’s nifty distributed processing engine.

  • Team up effortlessly on data projects using a user-friendly web interface and handy notebooks.

  • Peek into and dissect all your data, whether it’s stored in data lakes, data warehouses, or some other data sources.

  • Swiftly construct and roll out your machine learning models with ease.

What is Azure Databricks used for?

Think of a single platform that seamlessly blends the power of a distributed processing engine (think Apache Spark) with the flexibility of a cloud environment (think Microsoft Azure). That’s Azure Databricks in a nutshell – a unified, open analytics platform designed to tackle your data challenges with speed, scalability, and collaboration at its core.

But what exactly can you do with this powerhouse? Here’s a glimpse into the diverse world of Azure Databricks:

Transform Raw Data into Actionable Insights:

Think of raw data as unrefined ore. Databricks provides the tools – Apache Spark, machine learning libraries, and SQL-based analytics – to refine and shape that ore into actionable intelligence. You can:

  • Process massive datasets quickly: Databricks leverages Spark’s distributed processing power, crunching numbers across multiple nodes to analyze even the petabyte-sized monsters.

  • Dive deep with data exploration: Visualize trends, discover hidden patterns, and build predictive models using interactive notebooks and intuitive interfaces.

  • Craft intelligent solutions: From fraud detection algorithms to personalized recommendations, Databricks equips you to build data-driven solutions that truly move the needle.

Collaborate Like Never Before:

Data analysis isn’t a solo act. Databricks builds a culture of collaboration, allowing teams to:

  • Share notebooks and code: Dive into projects together, check out each other’s code, and seamlessly exchange insights.

  • Version control and track changes: Keep things neat and tidy with a clear record, making sure everyone’s on the same page and mistakes are easily rectified.

  • Break down data silos: Databricks link up with different data sources, bringing together info that used to live in separate repos for a holistic analysis.

Deploy and Scale with Confidence:

Big data requires agile infrastructure. Databricks offers:

  • Automated cluster management: Easily scale compute clusters, making sure you’re using resources smartly and keeping those costs in check.

  • Global reach and high availability: Reach your data and analytics hub from wherever you please, thanks to Azure’s global network that’s all about being there when you need it.

  • Seamless integration with the Azure ecosystem: Make use of other Azure services, like storage and security solutions, to craft a sturdy and secure big data environment.

How Does Azure Databricks Work with Azure?

Azure Databricks and Azure, like two potent tools joining forces, bring their unique strengths to create a formidable team for tackling big data. Unlike rivals who lock you into their own storage vaults, Databricks is more of a friendly neighbor that seamlessly integrates with your existing Azure setup. Think of it like this:

  • Azure provides the stage: Think of Azure as the platform that offers the computing power, storage, and networking resources needed to run Databricks’ demanding tasks. You don’t have to build this infrastructure yourself; Azure handles it all, scaling up or down as your needs fluctuate.

  • Databricks bring the magic: This is where the real data processing happens. Databricks uses Azure’s resources to spin up clusters of virtual machines, each of which is a dedicated data cruncher. These clusters tackle your data challenges, transforming raw information into actionable insights.

That said, in contrast to several enterprise data solutions, Azure Databricks doesn’t compel users to migrate their data into proprietary storage systems for platform utilization.

Instead, the configuration of an Azure Databricks workspace involves establishing secure integrations between the Azure Databricks platform and the user’s cloud account. 

Azure Databricks workspaces are designed to meet the stringent security and networking requirements of some of the world’s largest and most security-focused companies.

The platform simplifies the onboarding process for new users, alleviating many concerns associated with cloud infrastructure management. This is achieved without sacrificing the customizations and control essential for experienced data, operations, and security teams.

Top 15 Azure Databricks Security Best Practices

The security of your data and workloads is something you don’t want to overlook. Let’s dive into the top 15 security best practices for Azure Databricks:

1. Network Access Control

The very foundation of any robust security posture lies in controlling access. For Azure Databricks, this translates to carefully managing which networks are authorized to interact with your workspaces.

Why is this important?

  • Unrestricted access opens the door for potential attackers or unauthorized users to exploit your Databricks environment, potentially leading to data breaches, resource manipulation, or malicious code execution.

  • Granular control over network access ensures that only authorized entities, such as specific Azure Virtual Networks (VNets) or trusted IP addresses, can connect to your workspaces, significantly reducing the attack surface.

Therefore, by ensuring only trusted networks can access your workspace, you significantly reduce the attack surface and protect sensitive data.

2. Network Security

Tightening your Databricks network’s security belt isn’t just about compliance, it’s about taking charge of your data. You can use Azure Virtual Network (VNet) service endpoints and private endpoints to optimize granular access control.

Not only that, but tweaking Network Security Groups (NSGs) and optimizing your managed virtual network showcases your mastery of streamlined communication, ensuring smooth data flow, and minimizing bottlenecks.

It’s a win-win: robust security for peace of mind and optimized workflows for data-driven insights.

3. Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Ever come across the “least-privilege principle”? It’s an optimal approach for regulating access to Azure Databricks assets. For the primary way to handle it, go with Azure Active Directory (AAD) to amp up your game in authentication and authorization.

Also if you think of keeping things restrictive, hop on the Azure Databricks workspace access control. There you get to decide who’s got access to the assets based on the task at hand.

And, don’t forget to stay on top of things by regularly checking and auditing access rules. 

4. Utilize Unity Catalogue

Unity Catalog, in the context of Azure Databricks, serves as a comprehensive data governance and access management tool. It lets you grant fine-grained access to specific databases, tables, and even columns within tables. You can track how data is used and changed, making auditing a breeze. 

5. Data Encryption

Make your data super safe on Azure Databricks by adding some robust encryption practices. Use Azure Key Vault to keep those encryption keys locked down tight. Get that data all wrapped up in encryption when it’s rest and when it’s in transit. This way, your important stuff stays safe and sound, playing by the rules of the industry and giving no room for any sneak attacks or data leaks. 

6. Programming Language

When you’re diving into Databricks, you’ll come across two cluster modes: Standard and High Concurrency. The cool thing is, that the High Concurrency cluster is all about R, Python, and SQL. Meanwhile, the Standard cluster supports Scala, Java, SQL, Python, and R.

Under the hood, Databricks is all about using Scala for background processing. It’s the engine that revs things up, making it outshine Python and SQL in performance. So, if you’re rolling with the Standard cluster, the go-to language for implementing top-notch Spark jobs.

7. Secure your Secrets or Passwords

Treat passwords like keys to your treasure chest. Don’t keep them lying around in notebooks or code. Store them safely in Azure Key Vault, like a secure bank vault for your digital credentials. Databricks lets you access these secrets within your workspace through special “secret scopes,” like trusted couriers delivering the keys only when needed.

8. Auditing and Monitoring

Keep tabs on what’s happening in your Databricks environment – think of it like continuously watching any potential threats in your workspace. With Azure Databricks diagnostic logging and Azure Monitor integration, you can easily keep an eye on what users are up to, track cluster creation, and see those notebook executions in action.

9. Use secure cluster creation

Instead of dealing with individual worker nodes, go for the Databricks Workspace Pools or Databricks Runtime (DBR) clusters that can scale up or down as needed. These are like your pre-configured and secure clusters that show up when you need them and disappear when you don’t. It makes your workload lighter as you’re not putting everything out there for everyone to see.

10. Control notebook sharing

Keep your notebooks on a need-to-know basis. Implement workspace-level restrictions on who can share and collaborate on notebooks. You can also limit sharing to trusted users and groups, like sharing confidential documents only with colleagues in your department.

11. Secure code execution

Here are some code practices that you can implement to ensure security:

  • Sandboxing for isolation: Consider isolating user code execution to prevent potential vulnerabilities from spreading.

  • Careful library usage: Scrutinize libraries thoroughly for security, and stay updated with versions.

  • Code reviews and guidelines: Implement code reviews and enforce secure coding practices to minimize risks.

12. Keep things up-to-date

Regular security patches will serve great for your Databricks workspace. To stay on top of any potential weak spots, make sure you’re rolling with the latest Databricks runtime versions and libraries. Make life easy – automate those updates, just like setting a reminder for a regular checkup on your digital space.

13. Notebook Chaining 

Notebook Chaining is a great practice to make your life easier when dealing with stuff like reading/writing on Data Lake or SQL Database. So, the trick here is to throw all those repeat performances into one super Notebook.

It is the one-stop shop for Spark configs, linking ADLS paths to DBFS, snagging secrets from secret scope, and whatnot. Once you’ve got this holistic Notebook, you can call it up in other notebooks. Just hit it with the “run” command, and voila, no more repetitive tasks.

14. Log Analytics 

Monitoring how your Databricks resources are doing is key to figuring out the right cluster and VM sizes. Each VM has its own set of limits that impact how well an Azure Databricks job performs. If you want to see what’s up with the utilization metrics of your Azure Databricks cluster, just stream those VM metrics straight to an Azure Log Analytics Workspace. Just install the Log Analytics Agent on each node in your cluster, and you’re good to go.

15. Educate and train

Make sure everyone in your team knows the ins and outs of staying secure online. Give your Databricks team a regular heads-up on the best ways to code securely and keep an eye out for any sneaky cyber threats. The idea here is to keep them proactive so they’re ready to tackle anything before it even comes knocking.


1. Is Databricks a PaaS or SaaS?

Databricks is generally considered a unified analytics platform and can be categorized as both a Platform as a Service (PaaS) and a Software as a Service (SaaS). It provides a cloud-based environment for big data analytics and machine learning, making it a PaaS solution. Also, it offers a managed service with a user interface for data engineering, data science, and machine learning, which aligns with the characteristics of SaaS.

2. How many types of clusters are there in Azure Databricks?

In Azure Databricks, there are two main types of clusters:

  • Standard Clusters are suitable for general-purpose workloads, including data engineering, machine learning, and interactive queries.

  • High Concurrency Clusters are designed for concurrent workloads, allowing multiple users to share resources efficiently. They are well-suited for scenarios with varying and unpredictable workloads.

3. Does Databricks have row-level security?

Yes, Databricks supports row-level security. Row-level security enables you to restrict access to specific rows in a table based on certain conditions, ensuring that users can only see the data that is authorized for them. This feature is crucial for maintaining data privacy and security, especially in multi-user environments.

4. Is data encrypted in Databricks?

Yes, Azure Databricks offers both at-rest and in-transit encryption for your data. Data is encrypted at rest within Azure Storage and in transit between clusters and storage. You can 

further, enhance security by utilizing Azure Key Vault for managing encryption keys.


In a nutshell, securing your digital environment isn’t just about ticking boxes or compliance –  it’s about staying one step ahead to keep your workspace safe. While threats may loom, so too do powerful defenses. We’re pretty confident that the tips we’ve shared on Azure Databricks security best practices here can turn your digital space from a potential weak spot into a space that’s tough to crack. Remember, in the digital world, one security slip can bring down your entire infrastructure. Don’t wait until the alarm is blaring – start defending today, brick by brick. The peace of mind you’ll get is just as valuable as the data you’re safeguarding.

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Anshu Bansal
Anshu Bansal, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and venture capitalist, currently co-founds CloudDefense.AI, a cybersecurity solution with a mission to secure your business by rapidly identifying and removing critical risks in Applications and Infrastructure as Code. With a background in Amazon, Microsoft, and VMWare, they contributed to various software and security roles.
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