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Advanced Threat Detection for Govtech

Your Safety, Our Priority! From advanced threat detection to real-time monitoring and rapid incident response, our platform delivers complete protection, providing you with the confidence to navigate today’s complex security challenges.

Fragmentation Weakens Cyber Defense Infrastructures

More attack opportunities appear in vast and complex networks. Without a clear viewport, these emerging threats go undiscovered for longer.

Security models need to see clearly through the intense flow of data that comes with relying on the cloud. At the state and local constituent level, security must keep pace operationally.

Adversaries are creating unprecedented breaches. Like SolarWinds, they actively target infrastructure and supply chains. Today, cybersecurity is homeland security – yet legacy IT resists scaling efforts. Meaningful patterns get hard to see: affecting energy, transportation and elections.

To disrupt effectively and nimbly respond to attacks, proper visibility into the .gov enterprise is needed. Through a holistic AppSec solution, a clear view of risk is possible, one that allows for compliance and measurable, mission-critical risk reductions.

Government | Fragmentation Weakens Cyber Defense Infrastructures
Government | Know Your Risks

Know The Threats​

“First, we need to seriously rethink our fragmented approach”
– Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Rep. John Katko (R-NY)

Outdated AppSec Risks

Mitigating Outdated AppSec Risks, Safeguarding Your Digital Assets in a Rapidly Changing World with CloudDefense.AI


Increased ransomware

Leading to major outages that propagate.


Supply chain breaches

Because IT technologies are unfit for the landscape.


Reduced operations

Because non-duplicative records are more vulnerable.


Unauthorized PII access

Of federal agencies that increases amid crises.

With CloudDefense.AI . . .

Enterprise-Grade, Turnkey Detection

Enterprise-Grade, Turnkey Detection

We raise large companies into the minority who can remedy issues within a day. Thanks to properly gathered intelligence, while others manually configure their security policies, we’ll help you to innovate confidently.

Zero-Trust, Shared Reporting System

Backdoor access sold on the dark web is a product of immense, fractured networks. We’ll tighten porous systems, to disrupt common intrusions. Auto- monitor via pen testing, remediations and multiple repos – while team reports shrink failure points.
Zero-Trust, Shared Reporting System
Eased Compliance and Reports

Eased Compliance and Reports

Get the insights to drive data based decisions with one easy to digest report. Organizational gaps are priority flagged. Use Airtight Checklists, to demonstrate organizational compliance across regulatory bodies (HIPAA, GDPR, 201 CMR 17, and CCPA) .

Seals Third-Party Application Risks​

Many attacks are outside-in: the public sector is vulnerable as it relies on third-party endpoints for software, billing, tech support, and reports. CloudDefense.AI’s SAST constantly checks for security rule violations between source and target branches.
Protect Technologies Needed for Tomorrow's Lesson Image
Merge the Security You Need to Thrive Today Image

Merge the Security You Need to Thrive Today ​

We’re committed to helping you manage risk and sustain compliance. CloudDefense.AI’s provisions include best practices, technical support and expert guidance.

Ready to see us in action? Schedule a time
to speak with our team!

Spot unknowns sooner and continuously watch for signs of compromise. Take us on a test drive to see for yourself.