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10 Best DevSecOps Tools in 2024

Choosing the best DevSecOps tool is vital today to protect essential company resources. With threats constantly evolving, organizations must strengthen their applications with stronger security measures. But picking the perfect tool can be tricky with so many options available in the market.

An efficient DevSecOps tool can integrate security measures at every stage of the development process. It not only helps in identifying vulnerabilities early on but also automates security processes, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of costly breaches.

In this guide, I’ll use my expertise to simplify your selection process and provide insights into the top 10 DevSecOps tools of 2024. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the field, understanding the importance of a good DevSecOps tool is felt when your organization’s digital assets come in harm’s way.

Without further ado, let’s delve deeper into the world of DevSecOps tools and empower your journey toward enhanced application security.

How to Choose the Best DevSecOps Tools?

What to look for in DevSecOps Tools

Before we head into the best DevSecOps tools, let’s explore six key factors that you need to consider when evaluating the tools. From automation capabilities to compliance support, understanding these criteria will empower you to make informed decisions and stregnthen your organization’s security posture effectively.

Automation Capabilities

DevSecOps tools should automate security processes such as code scanning, vulnerability assessment, and compliance checks. Automation reduces manual efforts, speeds up development cycles, and ensures consistent application of security measures across the development pipeline.

Integration with CI/CD Pipelines

Seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines is essential. DevSecOps tools should fit into existing development workflows, allowing security checks to be incorporated at every stage, from code commit to deployment.

Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanning

Look for tools that offer comprehensive all-in-one scanning capabilities. This includes SAST, DAST, SCA, and container security scanning. A complete approach to vulnerability scanning helps identify and mitigate security risks effectively. You can consider solutions that come as CNAPPs to avail of all these features in one platform. If you are still confused about which one to pick then you would be happy to know that the tool that tops our list is a CNAPP!

Real-time Monitoring and Alerting

Effective DevSecOps tools provide real-time monitoring of applications and infrastructure for security threats. They should offer proactive alerting mechanisms to notify teams of potential security incidents or vulnerabilities as they occur, enabling swift remediation.

Compliance and Regulatory Support

Ensure that DevSecOps tools align with industry standards and regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS. The tools should facilitate compliance efforts by offering built-in checks for regulatory compliance and providing documentation to support audits.

Scalability and Flexibility

Choose tools that can scale with your organization's needs. DevSecOps environments vary in size and complexity, so the selected tools should be able to accommodate diverse development environments, technology stacks, and deployment models. Additionally, flexibility in tool configuration and customization options ensures that the tool can adapt to evolving security requirements and workflows.

10 Best DevSecOps Tools in 2024

Choosing the right DevSecOps tools can feel overwhelming, especially with so many different vendors offering their services on the market.

This list simplifies your selection process, focusing on tools that align with key principles that have been mentioned above, ensuring technical compatibility without unnecessary complexity in 2024

Here is a handy list for you to review quickly if you are short on time.


Best For

Key Features


Complete DevSecOps Solution

  • Real-time code security
  • Automated remediation
  • Comprehensive vulnerability scanning
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines
  • Unified dashboard for security management
  • AI-powered threat detection
  • Customizable security policies
  • Extensive language and platform support
  • Continuous monitoring and updates
  • Expert remediation recommendations


CI/CD Integration

  • Seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines
  • Vast library of plugins and integrations
  • Customizable automation workflows
  • Scalability for large-scale deployments



  • Static code analysis for vulnerability detection
  • Support for over 20 programming languages
  • Customizable rules and quality profiles
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines
  • Comprehensive dashboard for code quality metrics



  • Automated and manual web application testing
  • Detection of known and unknown vulnerabilities
  • Integration with DevSecOps pipelines
  • Robust plugin system for additional functionality

Burp Suite


  • Blend of manual and automated testing techniques
  • Intruder tool for customized attacks
  • Repeater tool for request manipulation

Aqua Security

Container Security

  • Container security for DevSecOps pipelines
  • Integration with Docker, Kubernetes, and other platforms
  • Automated vulnerability scanning
  • Image assurance and drift prevention
  • Runtime security controls
  • Compliance enforcement and reporting


IaC Security

  • Infrastructure as Code for provisioning and management
  • Support for multiple cloud platforms and on-premises settings
  • Declarative language for defining infrastructure state
  • Scalability for complex configurations


Infrastructure Security

  • DDoS mitigation and web application firewall
  • Secure DNS services
  • Global network spanning 200+ cities
  • Advanced analytics and insights
  • Automatic SSL encryption for web applications

CrowdStrike Security 

Endpoint Security

  • Cloud-native endpoint protection platform
  • Advanced threat detection capabilities
  • Automated analysis and response
  • Integration with DevSecOps tools
  • Behavioral analysis and machine learning

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

Endpoint Security

  • Comprehensive endpoint security solution
  • Integration with Microsoft 365 and other Microsoft security offerings
  • Advanced behavioral analysis and threat intelligence
  • Automated investigation and response capabilities
  • Support for Windows, MacOS, and Linux endpoints
  • Deep integration within the Microsoft ecosystem

CloudDefense.AI - The Best for Complete DevSecOps Solution



As a CNAPP, CloudDefense.AI offers all-in-one security solutions. It gives you comprehensive security features, including vulnerability scanning and remediation, in a single platform. This unified approach simplifies security management for companies, ensuring overall protection across their entire application landscape.

With CloudDefense.AI’s cutting-edge DevSecOps solution, you can transform your app development journey and redefine your workflow. Offering real-time code security and production-level vulnerability defense, CloudDefense.AI is the ultimate choice for securing your applications from start to finish.



Complete DevSecOps Coverage

CloudDefense.AI provides a complete solution for your DevSecOps posture, covering all layers of your application stack. From identifying and patching vulnerabilities in code, dependencies, containers, and infrastructure to ensuring continuous application security throughout your CI/CD pipeline, CloudDefense.AI has you covered.

Best-in-Class Vulnerability Database

Powered by multiple private and public databases, CloudDefense.AI's proprietary dataset updates twice daily to ensure you have the latest and most relevant security updates.

One-Click Remediation

With CloudDefense.AI, compliance becomes easier, developer time is saved, and reporting is streamlined with one-click remediation steps built-in.

Unified IdP Integration

Integrate CloudDefense.AI with your preferred languages, tools, and workflows for unmatched security throughout your development process.

Smart Remediation with AI-Powered Fixes

Effortlessly resolves security issues in minutes with CloudDefense.AI's AI-powered remediation. Pinpoint optimal fix locations and trust expert-recommended solutions for seamless application vulnerability management.

Automated Remediation

Trust CloudDefense.AI for your app's security from assessment to assurance with automated remediation. Experience comprehensive security enhancement through a unified dashboard that prioritizes vulnerability management and precisely identifies critical issues.



CloudDefense.AI offers a unified security solution that supplies all the cloud and cloud application protection features through one platform.


Helps implement Shift Left Security to identify security threats at the early stage of development and prevent them from entering the deployment stage.


It can help your organization with DevSecOps implementation, preventing ransomware attacks, and data classification and protection.


It makes use of advanced analysis tools and AI to identify threats across your cloud environment protectively.



Getting used to the platform will take time.

What Sets Us Apart?

Here are some unique features that set CloudDefense.AI apart from others:

Agentless Platform

CloudDefense.AI, being an agentless platform, is one of its defining features as it facilitates quick integration and scanning of your infrastructure.

AI-Driven Remediation

The AI-driven remediation process and guided fix make it extremely easy for you to fix security threats within minutes.

Promotes Collaboration

It unites your Devs, DevOps, and security teams through its unified platform for a secure and efficient application development process.

Don’t just take our word for it. Book a demo and witness firsthand the power and simplicity of CloudDefense.AI.

Jenkins (Best for CI/CD)


Stars 4.5

Jenkins is a versatile, open-source automation server widely used for CI/CD in DevSecOps environments. With its customizable nature and extensive plugin ecosystem, Jenkins adapts to diverse development needs, supported by a vibrant community. However, its complexity and resource-intensive setup may pose challenges for some users.



Highly customizable and adaptable to various development environments.


Vast library of plugins and integrations for extended functionality.


Strong community support with frequent updates.



Complexity in configuration and setup may require significant time and effort.


Resource-intensive, potentially straining system resources.


Limited out-of-the-box security features, necessitating additional configurations for robust security.

SonarQube (Recommended for SAST)


Stars 4.5

SonarQube is a robust open-source platform for continuous code quality and security inspection, offering extensive language support and customizable rules tailored to organizational needs. While its intuitive dashboard and integration with CI/CD tools are advantageous, its setup complexity and resource requirements may pose challenges for some users.



Intuitive dashboard for visualizing code quality and security metrics.


Extensive language support with customizable rules.


Seamless integration with popular CI/CD tools.


Provides historical data and trends for informed decision-making.



Setup and configuration complexity may require additional time and effort.


Resource-intensive, potentially straining system resources.


Limited out-of-the-box security features, requiring additional configurations for effective security.


License limitations for certain features may restrict usage in enterprise environments

OWASP Zap (Recommended for DAST)


Stars 4.5

The OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is a comprehensive web application security testing solution, favored for its robust DevSecOps focus and diverse array of automated scanners and manual testing tools. While its active community and frequent updates are advantageous, its steep learning curve and complex setup may deter novice users.



Active community and frequent updates ensure ongoing support and enhancements.


Wide range of plug-ins and compatibility with Kali Linux expand its functionality.


Integration with other DevSecOps tools enhances its versatility for cybersecurity professionals.


Pre-installed with Kali Linux for convenient access.



A steep learning curve and complex setup may pose challenges for beginners.


Requires familiarity with cybersecurity concepts and techniques to utilize effectively.


Limited out-of-the-box usability may require additional configuration for optimal performance.


May lack advanced features compared to commercial alternatives.

Burp Suite (Recommended for DAST)

Burp Suite

Burp Suite
Stars 4.5

Burp Suite is a versatile web application security testing framework, favored for its blend of manual and automated testing capabilities, ideal for integration into DevSecOps pipelines. While its effectiveness in finding vulnerabilities and intuitive UI is commendable, its limited features in the free Community Edition and the high cost of the Professional Edition may deter some users.



Effectiveness in finding vulnerabilities and ease of use.


Intuitive UI and large community ensure regular updates and support.


Intruder and Repeater tools offer advanced functionality for customized attacks and request manipulation.


Extensibility through the BApp Store allows for additional features via third-party add-ons.



Free Community Edition has limited features compared to the paid Professional Edition.


The high cost of the Professional Edition may be prohibitive for some users.


A steeper learning curve for mastering advanced features may require additional time and effort.


Limited support options for users of the free Community Edition.

Aqua Security (Recommended for Container Security)

Aqua Security

Aqua Security
Stars 4.5

Aqua Security offers container security, integrating with Docker and Kubernetes to protect applications throughout the development lifecycle. While its real-time monitoring and enforcement of security policies are commendable, its availability limitations and potential cost for teams and enterprises may present challenges.



Seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines enhances security throughout the development process.


In-depth visibility into container activity and risk assessment aids in proactive threat detection.


Automated remediation of vulnerabilities streamlines security operations.


Image assurance and drift prevention features ensure container integrity and compliance.



Free version may have limitations, with paid options potentially costly for teams and enterprises.


Requires familiarity with container technologies for effective utilization.


May have a learning curve for new users, particularly in configuring security policies and controls.


Support options may be limited for free or individual users.

Terraform (Recommended for IaC Security)


Stars 4.5

Terraform, an open-source Infrastructure as Code tool, streamlines infrastructure management across cloud platforms and on-premises settings. Its flexibility and modularity simplify complex configurations, yet its learning curve and potential for infrastructure drift may pose challenges for some users.



Flexibility to work with multiple cloud providers and on-premises environments.


Declarative language and modularity for managing complex infrastructure configurations.


Active community provides extensive pre-built modules and resources.


Strong plugin system facilitates integration with third-party tools and services.



Learning curve for mastering Terraform's declarative language and concepts.


Potential for infrastructure drift if not managed properly.


Limited support options may require reliance on community forums for assistance.


Requires continuous monitoring and updates to ensure infrastructure state consistency.

Cloudflare (Recommended for Infrastructure Security)


Stars 4.5

Cloudflare is a leading cloud platform offering comprehensive security and performance services for web applications and infrastructure. While its intuitive dashboard and seamless integration with DevSecOps tools are advantageous, its potential cost for enterprise users and limited control over security configurations may present challenges.



Interactive dashboard for easy management of security settings and performance monitoring.


Continuous updates and enhancements based on community feedback and threat intelligence.


Global network spanning 200+ cities improves website performance and reduces latency.


Automatic SSL encryption enhances security for web applications.



Cost may be prohibitive for enterprise users, with limited features in free tiers.


Limited control over security configurations compared to self-hosted solutions.


Reliance on Cloudflare's network infrastructure may pose concerns for some users.


Integration with other DevSecOps tools may require additional configuration and setup.

CrowdStrike Security (Recommended for Endpoint Security)


CrowdStrike Security
Stars 4.5

CrowdStrike Falcon, a cloud-native endpoint protection platform, stands out for its advanced threat detection capabilities and seamless scalability. While its cutting-edge machine-learning features and rapid incident response are commendable, its availability is limited to paid tiers and potential cost implications may be barriers for some users.



Advanced machine learning and behavioral analysis efficiently identify and neutralize threats.


Cloud-native architecture ensures smooth scalability and easy deployment.


Integration with other security tools enhances overall security posture.



Availability is limited to paid tiers, with potential cost implications for organizations.


Reliance on cloud infrastructure may pose concerns for users with specific compliance requirements.


Configuration and fine-tuning of machine learning models may require expertise.

Microsoft Defender (Recommended for Endpoint Security)

Microsoft Defender

Microsoft Defender
Stars 4.5

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint stands as a robust endpoint security solution, renowned for its seamless integration within the Microsoft ecosystem. While its advanced features like behavioral analysis and threat intelligence are commendable, its availability limited to paid tiers and dependency on Microsoft solutions may pose challenges for some users.



Deep integration with the Microsoft ecosystem ensures a unified security experience.


Advanced behavioral analysis and automated investigation/response enhance threat detection and response.


Microsoft Threat Experts service provides expert-level threat monitoring and analysis.


Supports multiple endpoints, including Windows, MacOS, and Linux.



Availability is limited to paid tiers, potentially costly for some organizations.


Dependency on the Microsoft ecosystem may limit compatibility with non-Microsoft solutions.


Configuration and fine-tuning may require expertise, particularly for advanced features.


Reliance on cloud infrastructure for some functionalities may pose concerns for users with specific compliance requirements.

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is an approach to software development that integrates security practices and tools throughout the entire software development lifecycle, from planning and coding to testing, deployment, and monitoring. It aims to prioritize security from the outset rather than treating it as an afterthought. In the name “Dev” stands for Development, “Sec” stands for Security, and “Ops” stands for Operations.

In DevSecOps, security is integrated into the development process, with automation playing a key role. This includes incorporating security checks and tests into the CI/CD pipeline, using tools for vulnerability scanning, code analysis, and configuration management, and promoting a culture of shared responsibility for security among development, operations, and security teams.

What are DevSecOps Tools?

DevSecOps tools are software applications and platforms designed to support and facilitate the implementation of DevSecOps practices within software development and deployment processes. These tools help automate security processes, integrate security checks into development workflows, and ensure that security is prioritized throughout the software development lifecycle.

DevSecOps tools come in a wide range of forms, including:


A good DevSecOps tool is essential nowadays to ensure the security of your applications. Even minor vulnerabilities can attract cyber threats. Having tools such as SAST, DAST, and SCA is important for code scans. On the other hand, you are also going to need an effective CI/CD integration tool to have an efficient DevSecOps practice in place. It can be inefficient to get these tools individually and this is why we suggest getting a CNAPP for your company.

CloudDefense.AI, being a CNAPP, simplifies security management. It offers complete security and integration with your existing infrastructure, making it the ideal choice for organizations seeking comprehensive protection. Therefore, investing in CloudDefense.AI is a smart move to enhance your cybersecurity defenses. Get a free demo now to test it out!

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Anshu Bansal
Anshu Bansal, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and venture capitalist, currently co-founds CloudDefense.AI, a cybersecurity solution with a mission to secure your business by rapidly identifying and removing critical risks in Applications and Infrastructure as Code. With a background in Amazon, Microsoft, and VMWare, they contributed to various software and security roles.
Protect your Applications & Cloud Infrastructure from attackers by leveraging CloudDefense.AI ACS patented technology.

579 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301

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Please feel free to schedule a live demo to experience the full range of our CNAPP capabilities. We would be happy to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have. Thank you for considering our services.

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