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Comprehensive Cloud Protection: CloudDefense.AI Integrates with Amazon Inspector for Enhanced Security

 At CloudDefense.AI, we are excited to announce our integration with Amazon Inspector to help you with assessment findings and provide rich insight into your AWS environment. CloudDefense.AI, by utilizing Inspector, employs an automated vulnerability management service in your cloud and provides you with actionable and contextual security insights.

CloudDefense.AI, through its security platform, always strives to help you with the best security service, and the integration to ingest findings of Amazon Inspector is a part of our effort. Our recent integration with Inspector helps your security team to continuously identify risks in your Amazon EC2 instance and respond to those risks quickly to mitigate them.

By aligning Inspector’s findings, our platform assists you in discovering trends and looking for anomalies that may lead to security breaches. Security engineers will have a comprehensive cybersecurity framework through our platform, which helps them to verify that Amazon Inspector is running on the appropriate AWS workloads and applications.

It will give them a single pane of the window that will show them all Amazon EC2 instances and container images are completely secure. With Amazon Inspector and CloudDefense.AI, your team of developers and security practitioners can reap the maximum benefit by streamlining vulnerability management. When the Inspector comes across a risk in the workload, it will quickly provide an alert to the security team, and then it can be remediated through CloudDefense.AI’s platform.

Before you decide to use CloudDefense.AI to analyze your AWS environment, it would be helpful to first know about Amazon Inspector;

Amazon Inspector

Amazon Inspector is an automated AWS security assessment and vulnerability management service that continuously inspects the Amazon EC2 instances and container images for security risks and network exposures.

Amazon Inspector collects vulnerability findings by testing the network accessibility of EC2 instances and provides security teams with finding reports through platforms like CloudDefense.AI. The Inspector’s main priority is to completely safeguard your Amazon EC2 instances and the application associated with the AWS environment.

Through any security platform, it assists you in commencing security testing regularly to provide teams with actionable and useful security insights and make it a part of IT operations. The Inspector thoroughly assesses the EC2 instances in the AWS for unknown network exposure, and the assessment is done by comparing it with a library of best industry practices and compliance standards.

Besides, it also looks for vulnerabilities and unexpected network accessibility against common security standards and known vulnerabilities. Once it discovers all the security findings, it then prioritizes those issues according to the severity level, which is high, medium, and low.

Through unified security platforms like CloudDefense.AI, you will be able to discover the process or steps to remediate those issues to safeguard your EC2 instances and applications. All the security findings you will get in the platform will not only provide you with recommended processes to solve them but also provide additional information to prevent them in the future. If these issues are not addressed quickly by your security team, it will lead to an AWS breach, compromised cloud infrastructure, and unauthorized access to information in EC2 instances.

Comprehensive Cloud Protection: CloudDefense.AI Integrates with Amazon Inspector for Enhanced Security

How CloudDefense.AI After Integration With Amazon Inspector Works?

CloudDefense.AI, through integration with Amazon Inspector, leverages its capability to automate assessment and generate finding reports in your AWS environment. However, before you commence the process of evaluation, you will have to define the complete collection of EC2 instances and all resources associated with the application you want to check.

Then the CloudDefense.AI’s agentless Amazon Inspector agent will be installed in the EC2 instances in your AWS. After successful installation, you can use the CloudDefense.AI purpose-built security platform to run the assessment for checking vulnerabilities and security exposures.

While running the assessment against EC2 instances, you can schedule the duration of the assessment from a minimum of 15 min to a maximum period of 24 hours. Once you set the duration through the platform, the Inspector agent will start checking the EC2 machines implementing the application that governs the network, process activity, and all the files.

During the process, it collects all the data and compares them to inbuilt security standards and best practices to discover security threats and vulnerabilities. Then it shows the security findings to your security team through the platform of CloudDefense.AI along with the process of solving them.

Benefits of CloudDefense.AI and Amazon Inspector

By leveraging the capabilities of Amazon Inspector, CloudDefense.AI provides you with a reliable and secure security service to safeguard your AWS services and applications. However, there is more to it than meets the eye. Here let’s take a look at some of the benefits it has on offer;

Automated vulnerability discovery:

One of the biggest benefits you will get through CloudDefense.AI’s integration with Inspector is that it can automate vulnerability discovery in your AWS cloud and mitigate any risk.

Apart from the scheduling part, it doesn’t involve any human involvement in the discovery process, thus reducing the risk of human error. The assessment can be performed regularly according to the duration you set.

Straightforward integration:

Implementing Amazon Inspector in your EC2 instances through CloudDefense.AI’s platform is an easy affair, and the credit goes to agentless instant onboarding. You just have to connect your AWS cloud with the platform, and the rest will be done by the security service.

In-depth assessment of Amazon EC2 instances:

When you install Amazon Inspector in your EC2 instances in AWS, it constantly performs an in-depth evaluation to help you keep track of all the activity and configuration data in the instances.

In addition, it also assesses the container images in Amazon Electric Container Registry for vulnerabilities. It keeps your security team informed about all the security risks according to their risk levels and helps in solving them. This in-depth assessment helps in improving the overall security and reliability of your AWS cloud-based applications.

Utilizes best security practices:

Amazon Inspector uses the inbuilt library of best security practices and leading security compliances to identify vulnerabilities, which helps in ensuring maximizing your security. Moreover, it also leverages AWS’s Security Expertise containing the industry’s latest security practices and rules during the assessment. Thus, it ensures your AWS cloud is completely secured.

Integrates security into DevOps:

CloudDefense.AI by integrating Inspector lets you call the API-bound service in your AWS account while the agent helps in building Inspector assessment in your running DevOps process.

The Inspector agent also enables you to get visibility into all the activities in EC2 instances. It allows developers and security teams to manage security issues and network vulnerabilities and also performs checks on vital parts of the development process.

CloudDefense.AI and Amazon Inspector

CloudDefense.AI is a leading security platform that integrates with Amazon Inspector to help organizations assess their AWS cloud and EC2 instances and discover vulnerabilities. It offers an extremely easy-to-use interface that lets you get a deep and actionable insight into the security of your AWS cloud.

Together CloudDefense.AI and Amazon Inspector build an effective security service that helps organizations like yours to gain immediate value from the latest AWS security policies and offers. Through CloudDefense.AI’s agentless instant deployment, Amazon Inspector can be enabled in your AWS cloud with a few clicks across all your AWS clouds.

It works at a scale, meaning as new Amazon EC2 instances are introduced, the Inspector agent will automatically identify all the workloads and container images in Amazon ECR. You will be able to view all the activities of assessment and scheduling of assessment through the unified security platform.

CloudDefense.AI takes just a few minutes to get connected and makes an API-based approach to augment all the security findings. It automatically scans your AWS cloud and all the workloads as well as applications associated with it through its impressive agentless capability.

CloudDefense.AI just uses a single read connection to provide a complete forensic and risk assessment of your AWS cloud resources like Lambda, PaaS, EC2, and ECR. One of the major reasons CloudDefense.AI is favored by top organizations is because it correlates security findings, exposure paths, machine identities, malware, vulnerabilities, and other risk factors to provide you an enhanced security insight.

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Picture of Abhishek Arora
Abhishek Arora
Abhishek Arora, a co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at CloudDefense.AI, is a serial entrepreneur and investor. With a background in Computer Science, Agile Software Development, and Agile Product Development, Abhishek has been a driving force behind CloudDefense.AI’s mission to rapidly identify and mitigate critical risks in Applications and Infrastructure as Code.
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