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CloudDefense.AI is now on AWS Marketplace: Simplifying Access to Expert Cloud and App Security Solutions

Today, we are delighted to share the exciting news that CloudDefense.AI has achieved an official listing on the AWS Marketplace!

This represents a major milestone in our ongoing journey, as it not only amplifies our presence but also streamlines the process for prospective customers to discover, test, purchase, and deploy our state-of-the-art solutions.

In other words, our integration with AWS Marketplace simplifies the process for current AWS users to access our top-tier CloudSecOps and DevSecOps solutions, offering the added benefit of potential cost savings on their cloud expenditures.

Why CloudDefense.AI’s AWS Marketplace Presence Matters?

AWS Marketplace, a meticulously curated digital catalog, plays a crucial role in simplifying the journey for organizations to buy, deploy, and govern third-party software and professional services. 

With over 10,000 products from more than 1,600 ISVs, AWS Marketplace is a powerful platform with 330,000 active customers and 2 million subscriptions. Having that said, our presence within the AWS Marketplace goes well beyond mere visibility; it’s all about delivering convenience and accessibility.

CloudDefense.AI is now on AWS Marketplace- Simplifying Access to Expert Cloud and App Security Solutions

We acknowledge that businesses of all sizes are eagerly adopting cloud technologies to boost innovation and fuel their expansion. By becoming a part of the AWS Marketplace, we’ve smoothed out the process, making it easier than ever for businesses to tap into our expertise, solutions, and services, ultimately propelling their own accomplishments.

Our Comprehensive Offerings:

Considering the ever-growing threats in recent days, the significance of resilient applications and cloud security cannot be emphasized enough. As the world’s first true CNAPP according to Gartnerour mission is to equip organizations with the tools and expertise needed to stay one step ahead of potential adversaries. 

With a rich portfolio of cutting-edge solutions, we provide unmatched expertise to safeguard your digital assets, focusing exclusively on cloud infrastructure and application security.

Cloud Security (CloudSecOps): Protecting Your Cloud Infrastructure

Our suite of cloud security offerings is designed to empower organizations with the tools and knowledge they need to protect their cloud environments comprehensively. Here is a list of our offerings:

  • Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM): Gain real-time insights and control over your cloud infrastructure, ensuring it aligns with industry best practices and compliance standards. With CSPM, your cloud ecosystem remains robustly defended against vulnerabilities.
  • Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM): Ensure your cloud environment not only stays secure but also remains compliant and resilient. CIEM is your key to maintaining a strong and flexible cloud infrastructure.
  • Cloud Vulnerability Management: Identify and address vulnerabilities within your cloud infrastructure promptly, reducing the window of exposure to potential threats.
  • Holistic Multi-Cloud Compliance Management: Simplify compliance management across multiple cloud platforms, ensuring your organization meets regulatory requirements without hassle.
  • Cloud Workload Protection (CWPP): Safeguards your workloads from evolving threats, allowing your team to concentrate on innovation with confidence.
  • HackerView™: Our exclusive threat detection system, Hacker’s View™, keeps a vigilant eye on your cloud environment, detecting and responding to potential breaches before they escalate.

Application Security(DevSecOps): Shielding Your Applications from Threats

In the domain of application security, CloudDefense.AI offers a comprehensive suite of services to boost your application defenses. Some of our app security offerings include:

  • Software Composition Analysis (SCA): Identify and manage open-source components within your applications, ensuring they remain secure and compliant.
  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Detect vulnerabilities in running applications, allowing for real-world testing of security controls.
  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST): Analyze your source code to uncover vulnerabilities and security weaknesses early in the development process.
  • API Scanning: Protect your APIs by identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.
  • Container Vulnerability Management: Ensure the security of your containerized applications by identifying and remediating vulnerabilities.

Final Thoughts

With this exciting integration, we look forward to serving a broader audience, and we believe that our presence on the AWS Marketplace will facilitate easier access to our top-end and exclusive services to safeguard the cloud assets.

Take the next step with confidence, knowing that your digital future is in capable and secure hands. To explore more, visit CloudDefense.AI on AWS Marketplace today and pave the way for a secure, successful digital transformation. 

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Picture of Abhishek Arora
Abhishek Arora
Abhishek Arora, a co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at CloudDefense.AI, is a serial entrepreneur and investor. With a background in Computer Science, Agile Software Development, and Agile Product Development, Abhishek has been a driving force behind CloudDefense.AI’s mission to rapidly identify and mitigate critical risks in Applications and Infrastructure as Code.
Protect your Applications & Cloud Infrastructure from attackers by leveraging CloudDefense.AI ACS patented technology.

579 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301

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